Free Resource - Price your Design Packages for profit workbook by Flourish Online Management - Business Coach for designers


Are you struggling to put a price on your creative work?

Charging what you're worth won't get you far.

Pricing your packages as a designer is one of the toughest things you need to do. Because your pricing isn’t just a number, there are often a lot of emotions connected to your pricing.

Maybe it’s connected to how you feel about yourself, how confident you are in your skills as a business owner or the feeling that because you’re not in business as long as competitor x or because you don’t have 10K followers on IG, you can’t ask for the same prices.

So how does the advice; charge what you’re worth help you? It doesn’t!

That's why it's crucial to take emotion out of the equation and adopt a strategic approach to pricing. The "Price your Design Packages for profit workbook" is here to guide you through this transformation.

From understanding if your current packages a profitable, what to consider (like how many hours you work each week) to determine your pricing, to how you can make sure you’re not just getting paid for the hours it takes you to complete a design project.

So that you can spend less time on sending proposals and more time doing what you love – creating amazing designs!

when you DOWNLOAD The Price your Design Packages for profit workbook, YOU'LL be able to ...

Evaluate Your Current Profit

+ Gain clarity on your current profitability to know if adjustments are needed.

Calculate Your Hourly Rate

+ Learn why knowing your hourly rate is essential, even when offering packages.

+ And how to calculate your hourly rate

Price your design packages for Profit

+ Uncover the secrets to pricing that ensures both your creative talents and your business thrive.


I'm a wife, a dog-mama, an explorer and a Scotland-based mentor and brand strategist for brand and website designers who built a business as a self-taught designer after 6+ years as a business analyst and pricing manager (and managing a 65-million revenue portfolio for a Fortune 500 company).

While working as a designer I noticed that many established brand & website designers are overwhelmed and are feeling uncomfortable with the strategic and numbers side of their business and struggle to grow their business and increase their revenue (and profit) without working more

And you don’t break a person away from creating action plans to streamline processes and increase revenue and profit so easily. So now I –

  • Bring this corporate experience into the creative world to teach established yet overwhelmed designers to step into their role as a CEO.

  • Help them transform their business to be more profitable and sustainable through a proven 3-step framework.

  • And serve up custom strategies based on their business, vision and this-is-enough-for-me-goals

… all in an era of feeling pressured to become a 6-figure business owner and one-size-fits-all approaches to growing a business.

When I am not developing the best strategies for my clients you can find me hiking with my husband and border collie Robbie, curled up on the couch with a book or exploring Africa with a 4x4 with a rooftop tent.