stop wasting time at the start of each day

Do you find yourself overwhelmed with tasks, lacking focus, and yearning for a more intentional approach to your week?

You want to say goodbye to re-writing your to-do list every day trying to determine your priorities but you don’t know where to start.

Download my Design Your Week: A Time Blocking Workbook for Designers and discover how to time block your day, so you can reclaim these evening and weekends you’re using to finish client work and work towards your goals with intention.

This workbook includes a time blocking example and a time blocking template so that you can not only learn about the benefits of time blocking, but you can get started immediately. When you have an ideal week with time blocks you will have a clear structure to work from on a daily base, be able to focus on what matters most and increase your productivity so that you can do more of what you love – creating amazing designs!

when you download Design Your Week: A Time Blocking Workbook for Designers, YOU’ll be able to …

get started with time blocking

+ The workbook includes instructions and examples to help you get started with time blocking.

set up your week with the templates

+ I've got you covered with templates and examples so that you can follow along with the exercises to start setting up your ideal week and structure it with time blocks.

will increase your productivity

+ You don’t get points for being busy, you need to be productive. It’s about knowing which tasks are going to help you move forward and get YOU closer to YOUR goals and when you implement this workbook you can make sure these tasks get done.


I'm a wife, a dog-mama, an explorer and a Scotland-based mentor and brand strategist for brand and website designers who built a business as a self-taught designer after 6+ years as a business analyst and pricing manager (and managing a 65-million revenue portfolio for a Fortune 500 company).

While working as a designer I noticed that many established brand & website designers are overwhelmed and are feeling uncomfortable with the strategic and numbers side of their business and struggle to grow their business and increase their revenue (and profit) without working more

And you don’t break a person away from creating action plans to streamline processes and increase revenue and profit so easily. So now I –

  • Bring this corporate experience into the creative world to teach established yet overwhelmed designers to step into their role as a CEO.

  • Help them transform their business to be more profitable and sustainable through a proven 3-step framework.

  • And serve up custom strategies based on their business, vision and this-is-enough-for-me-goals

… all in an era of feeling pressured to become a 6-figure business owner and one-size-fits-all approaches to growing a business.

When I am not developing the best strategies for my clients you can find me hiking with my husband and border collie Robbie, curled up on the couch with a book or exploring Africa with a 4x4 with a rooftop tent.