3 Business lessons from Masterchef Australia


I love watching Masterchef Australia, especially after a long day or week. It is always a perfect way for me to relax and come up with inspiration for any special meals but…

I realised there was actually quite a bit to learn from Masterchef.

Besides how great Curtis Stone looks 😊

3 Business lessons from Masterchef Australia by Flourish Online Management - Source: Giphy

1: Make a plan before you start to cook.

// Aka be clear on where you want to go before you start.

At the beginning of each season, you see a lot of contestants run into the pantry to grab their ingredients without knowing what they want to cook. So they end up having 20 (ok, maybe a little bit less, but you get the point) ingredients on their bench and just pick up one to get started. During the cook, the other ingredients get cooked, boiled and roasted and chucked on a plate just before the timer runs out.

The result: it's a heap of food but there is no clear dish because there was no clear picture and therefore focus on what the end result needed to be.

When the contestants are nearing the end of the season you see them running to their bench and grabbing pen and paper to write down their dish, the ingredients and the steps before heading to the pantry. And that's the same in business. When you don't have a purpose or clear vision your adding 'food to the heap' but you're not having a clear direction.

So be sure to know where you want to go so that you can grab those ingredients you need to create a complete dish.

2: Every recipe has a specific order.

//Aka start at the beginning as success is sequential, not simultaneous.

I love it when the contestants cook a beautiful piece of fish with a clear broth. But they don't start to cook the fish because that is their main ingredient. They start with cutting up veggies and bones to create the stock. And as the stock simmers away they keep tasting and adding seasoning until they have the perfect base for the dish.

That's the same in business. You can't straight jump into marketing (your main ingredient to sell, or at least that's what we are taught) if you haven't created your broth yet. Getting to know your ideal client, what their struggles are,  how they are talking about their struggles and what the solutions are that they need is your broth as it will be the base for your marketing.

So be sure to create your base first, because it needs time, testing and adjusting before you can build on top of it and pour your efforts into marketing.

3: To become a 'Master' chef you need to be willing to spend a lot of time crafting your skill.

//Aka be ok with not knowing all the steps you need to take or not having the skills yet to become a 'Master'.

Something that I hear often from a lot of business owners is that they know where they want to go, but they get stuck on the execution of their plan. Because they can't see the full picture yet or feel that they don't have the knowledge or experience that they need to get there. And one thing you hear the contestants say a lot is that they can't believe how much they have grown over the course of Masterchef.

And it took me a while to see this parallel, but the contestants don't enter the competition with the skills they need to win. It's only because they are open to learn and put in the time to practice and perfect their skill that they are becoming the person they need to be to win.

The same applies to us as business owners. We don't have the knowledge, experience and confidence from moment 1 to achieve the success that we are looking for. But when we have big goals, a growth mindset and keep taking steps (in the right order) we will become the person we need to be to turn our vision into reality.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. How do you feel about these 3 learnings? Post a comment! I’d love to hear.

I'm over here cheering for you!


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